Osteopathy is an alternative medicine which consists in the manipulation of some parts of the body, in particular the back, the neck and the head to restore harmony and rebalance body tensions.
Born in 1874 in the US, Osteopathy is a complementary manual technique focused on the person as its wholeness and doesn't involve surgery nor use of medical devices and medicine.
The osteopath makes use of a wide range of soft manual techniques both for the evaluation and the treatment itself, therefore it's suitable for everyone and hasn't a lot of contraindications.
Osteopathy is effective to prevent and treat diseases involving the osteoarticular and myofascial apparatus (with the aim of restoring the body's mobility), as well as the craniosacral(with the aim of restoring the vitality of the body), neuroendocrine, lymphatic and visceral systems. From their union, it comes the reason for the influence between an affected functionality of the spine and the viscera and the other way round (e.g. the medium dorsal could affect the stomach causing acid reflux).
That's the reason why, during the first evaluation, the cause of the problem is searched through postural analysis, palpations and questions addressed to the patient (apparently not linked to the symptom).
Osteopathic treatments restore subjective postural balance, enhance mobility and body functionality to reduce "energy expenditure" and the compensations of those wrong postures that the body needs to adopt in order to don't feel pain.
Patients that refers to the osteopath might have a wide range of pain's typology such as cervical, lumbago, cephalgia, vertigo, postural impairment, gastroesophageal reflux, menstrual pain, constipation, asthma and many other.
Choose between our specialists:
Graduated in Physiotherapy
Graduated in Osteopathy
Graduated in Massotherapy