In order to benefit from the NHS agreement you need to produce to the reception on the 1st floor the original referral, issued on the red NHS prescription pad by:
After their prescription has been checked, patients, unless they have an exemption, need to pay the ticket for the thermal cures.
The ticket includes the admission check-up, needed to verify the suitability of the patient for the thermal therapy and the associated 12-days round of cures.
For a better evaluation of the thermal doctor, during the admission check-up, it's useful to bring along the previous medical reports, such as diagnostic test or specialists exam, better if not older than 90 days.
For the mud and bath therapy, during the admission visit, it's especially required an ECG exam.
The round of 12 therapies must be undertaken in the next 60 days.
The prescription needs to state:
The accuracy of the prescription is especially linked to the right specification of the pathology.
For the mud and thermal bath therapies, you need to send - via fax: 0342.905220 or via mail: - a copy of the prescription, specifying Name, Surname, preferred Period and time of the day in which you'd like to undertake the treatments and phone number.
The booking office usually replies within one or two days.
Click here to fill up the booking form.
The thermal cures cannot be undertaken in case of acute illness nor in case of concurrent pathologies not well pharmacologically compensated.
Click here to download a summary in pdf format