Make the very most of a day at the Bormio spa complex with treatments within our Beauty Centre.
Bormio Terme’s Beauty Centre complements and provides a further dimension to the range of well-being courses that the thermal complex offers to clients. A highly professional staff with years of experience propose treatments constantly up-dated, alongside continuing research into the very finest products, most of them chosen from the Confort Zone professional line. What’s more, each individual client is offered his own customised programme after careful analysis, whether focusing on face or body.
You’ll be placed in the safe hands of qualified masseurs for relaxing sessions of massage, whether the classically therapeutic or alternatives targeted to bring about specific benefits.
After a diagnosis, the beautician suggests the most appropriate
treatment for the customer.
In a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere through the use of specific
equipment, massages and products the beautician treats all the
blemishes of the skin.
By means of a personalized bio-morphological analysis, it is evaluated which, among the possible treatments (anti-cellulite, toning, localized fat, lower limb heaviness, circulatory problems and water retention), is the most suitable.
DiscoverBeauty treatment that takes place in a booth with UV lamps for an even tan all over the body.